Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Black-Capped Chick!

  • The Black-capped Chickadee is a small, short-billed songbird with a black cap and throat. They have a reputation as saucy, active birds that are very curious and relatively tame.
  • They can remember where they hide food for at least a month after putting it in its hiding place (this is more than I can say...hence, my day timer that travels with me)
  • To keep warm the chickadee erects its soft, thick feathers to trap warm air close to its body. This serves as good insulation against the cold. (feather count? astronomical!)
  • The chickadee makes at least 15 different calls to communicate with its flock-mates and offspring. The best known is the chickadee-dee-dee that gives the bird its name.
With the weather getting cooler, these 2 black-capped chickadees have excavated their own cavities in her mane and named her 'The Black-Capped Chick'.