Sunday, October 27, 2013

Migraine Be Gone!

Well, I woke up this morning with a headache that got progressively worse as the day wore on. I wore a tight fitting hat all day, to ensure my head wouldn't literally split in 2 (I guess duct tape might have worked just as well). As I resisted the temptation to reach for pain meds, I picked up my paintbrush instead....

Donning headgear to keep her hear from splitting, while blocking her ears from the high pitched squeals of the bird chirping..., time to go to sleep and hopefully wake up migraine free!

Boo! Halloween 2013

As promised, I painted 3 quickies in time for Halloween.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

In The Spirit of Fall and all it's lovely COLOURS

My newest painting called 'Tea Party'.  I will paint a few halloween paintings very soon....if I post it here, then my hand will be forced and I will HAVE to paint them. Ah, the power of making promises online :)