Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Party

Rita and Mason

I was cordially invited to a Halloween party last night. What to bring the hosts for their hospitality? hand-painted Kokeshi style dolls of course. I've recently dabbled in painting these wooden dolls and am enjoying it immensely. Love experimenting with different surfaces and having fun getting messy. Since it was a halloween party, it was only fitting that I bloodied them up (hope they didn't mind).

So begins the start of my Kokeshi doll collection, which will focus on couples and wedding cake toppers.

If you want to see more samples, I will be posting them to my facebook page as soon as the paint dries.
More Kokeshi dolls

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bat Girl


I had to get a last Halloween painting before October 31st....and before my habit of painting bats gets perceived as being a tad creepy.

Can you spot my hamster Gordon? He loves halloween and blends into the night quite naturally, with his thick black mane of hair.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Costume Party

Costume Party , October 2012

Though I rarely dress up for Halloween and live vicariously through my boys, I have found that I absolutely LOVE painting skeletons and creepy critters.

So what was my inspiration? Why Skeletor was, he hangs on our mailbox and blurts out zings as you press the top of his head. I thought it was time to bring him inside for an evening and make him dress up with antlers. My girl, dressed up as a bee, is making him bone soup for dinner....and what Halloweeny painting would be complete without a bat and cat? right. Oh, and hard to spot, but I also included my black bear hamster right at her knee. My boys spotted him right away..heh.

so Trick or Treat and hope you get some goodies this year!


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